"Hilarious Sex Dolls Online" is a series of stories about your story, a dedicated web account for life-size love dolls, your stories with sex dolls, and their adventures together.
First of all, thank you for giving the people of aldoll the opportunity and honor to be fully featured on their website and media. Their website design, customer service and attention to detail are impressive and being asked to share their personal stories with my sex doll was both compliment and humbling to me. Both.
So I call it red. It's my longtime nickname. I have been asked to share with you all the personal stories of my life and how I bought a real love doll.
I think the best place to start is why you gave me this name. As a redhead, it's hard for me to have lasting relationships as long as I'm courting them. I have other flaws and anxieties that definitely play a role. But at least from my experience, I really believe redheads have a really hard time attracting women to something meaningful. They are neither exotic nor as attractive to women as redheads are to men. There's a big difference there, I'm just scooping the surface. Given this, in my personal experience, it is unusual for women to have bright red hair, light skin, freckles, and other physical features, and is generally more attractive than a goal.
Still, I have some relationships that fit everything I think and believe today. But you need to understand these special relationships, especially about them, most of the women involved are very attractive and totally beyond my reach. It means existence. Call me superficial or angina, but women's beauty is the most important thing to me, and I ignore many of their bad qualities just by being around them. I think most men think that way, but I can't say it politely. After all, a beautiful woman is a monument to a man's true success or power. The same is true if you drive a really good car, own a big house, or have other expensive things or tastes. Let's face it, you're really not going to impress anyone who parks a blender next to a mobile home and has a below-average wife. This is life.
Anyway, I'm really attracted not only to these women, but also to the attention I get when I bring them to the public. My ego would inflate to the point where other people stared at us. I noticed that all the double take people around me gave them. As we passed, their jaws dropped and they looked envious of me. I heard everything the women I was with saw me, and all the comments from other women whispering to each other. The attention drives me crazy, and to be honest, it's a natural height second to none. I love the pride that comes with it. I was fascinated by the jealousy they spread in front of me, and it confirmed my different existence.
Of course, I was unfortunate enough to maintain such a relationship. These relationships are few and have had a considerable impact on me as I am not a prize by any means. But when I had them, I fell in love with the boy.
My last relationship was without a doubt the best of them all. She is a magnet in our minds wherever we go. But more than that, she has many qualities that make her better and more beautiful. I fell in love with her quickly, but despite my attempts, I couldn't keep her. She hurt me the most when she decided to end our relationship, far beyond anything I've ever experienced. I remind you that I have a great share.
You can say more about this special relationship, it helps to relate and identify how you feel when you find someone like that, but everyone who reads I believe I can understand it to some extent. Whether you've experienced something similar to other people or you're not there, you've just seen someone like that in your vision.
It was very noisy and I spent a lot of time alone, which was a pain at first. But when you're alone long enough, you become immune to it. You absolutely must, or you'll lose your mind or worse. Eventually, loneliness became my norm, and loneliness went from being hurt to being paralyzed. As I get older, I rely more and more on relationships to validate me. Honestly, it took me a long time. But it goes beyond what you need, and when the pain of loneliness is finally gone, it is released. I'm here to tell you what it does, you just have to adapt and occupy yourself. Validate yourself and remove dependencies on relationships.
And the important thing that everyone can agree on, regardless of experience: the pain of being alone is trivial compared to the pain of being happy with someone and losing it.
After my experience with that woman, I decided it would be best to count my prizes and work together. I doubt that a good looking person will ever find a way out for me. Considering all the details, my heart absolutely believes it. Then I got it, because the standard is too high to scale.
I remember how excited I was at the time. View everything, no matter the price, and bookmark everything that appeals to you. Saving for one person is a pretty big financial goal that I've never really done or thought about because I'm by no means a successful person. I didn't even know I had the discipline, patience or financial stability to save someone.
I spend most of my time watching them online after get off work. I've spent more time putting other colleagues willing to serve them on shifts and pinch as much as I can to see if I can make a profit over my monthly bill... make me Surprisingly, I was saving money much faster than I thought.
During the weeks I was looking, I narrowed down the assortment of RealDolls to three. I explored them extensively, picked out some details about them, and weighed them against other things. I spent a lot of time looking at my face and deciding which one I liked best. In the end, crazy things happened when I could afford it, and it turned into dollars that could float financially…
It seemed impulsive, but I persevered. Everything about her is perfect. I looked at all the pictures, studied all the measurements and decided this is what I should have. I was drawn to her body, face and every detail. She finally got that girl I couldn't get over from my memory, lifted the pain I always thought was there, and was prettier and more beautiful than that. A man who can only love his appearance is love at first sight.
I didn't decide on a name until the day I met her. It immediately came to my mind like the sex doll itself. I plan to use their default names until I can't stop listening to specific names in my new job. We deal with many customers in Japan and abroad, and we are always listening to our customers, which makes us different from other customers. Finally, a beautiful woman of the same age walked in and introduced herself at the checkout. She must have been frivolous, confronted me directly, told me her name, and asked me. I gave her my nickname: "Red". Then she replied, "Well... red rose. That's the name of a good couple." And went out. I smiled to myself and silently agreed. Red Rose is the name of a beautiful couple.
That name was the one I kept hearing when I worked there. Maybe at some point, about 6 customers came up with that name. I need to identify people so I always see it as their first, middle or last name. Then it came to me. A variation of this name, it can be shortened to her name. I got it the same day she arrived.
Before, during and after my bulk purchases, I knew a real community of love doll owners who took me online to show off to their peers. A community of circles discussing all the details of ownership, maintenance, advice and personal stories before sex dolls. Some bring life-size lover dolls to social media as content and use photos, Photoshop, online videos and smartphone apps to enhance and bring their sex dolls to life.
Create photos to see details and give smiles and facial gestures for true immersion and ownership of aldoll. Their photos, posts, and comments really enhance their friendship when you look at their pages and see them in a new light. By doing this, I immediately noticed that the sex doll community is much larger than I thought, and there are fewer taboos when looking at photos and media posted by other true love doll owners. I got into this circle and there's a lot out there.
Through them, I have also learned other immersion methods through other programs and devices. We've also created some customizable video games that allow you to create highly detailed sex doll images.
Thanks to aldoll.com for allowing me to share my story, and to the people in the life-size love doll community who continue to inspire this hobby. All their opinions and photos are a pleasure to be witnessed and really bring out the wonderful perks that the Dutch wife has. With them, I brought my girls into the world and put me to the test of the pride and satisfaction I had gained from past on-off relationships, and I loved every second of it.
Thanks for reading my story. If you want to date teen sex doll, we recommend buying sex dolls from this site's cute selection and bringing them to social media upon arrival. We and other members are happy to help you and welcome you to our community. As our community grows, it's great to be introduced and meet more true Love Doll buddies and their happy clients.
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